From bulky waste and scrap to construction debris – for over 70 years, Knepper has been handling the disposal of old materials. There's a lot to do. The yard is bustling with truck traffic. Skip loaders and roll-off tippers with trailers, four-axle vehicles with hook devices and roll-off containers, as well as tipper semitrailers, are constantly on the move. Almost all of these vehicles are equipped with Meiller bodies.
Twenty-five years ago, Managing Director Carsten Knepper had his first vehicle with a structure from Munich. Today, the fleet comprises 7 skip loaders, 15 roll-off tippers, 14 trailers, 10 semi-trailer trucks, and 15 semi-trailers, according to Meiller. Four additional new roll-off tippers, including a fully electric chassis, are ready for pickup in Munich.
The skip loaders with 7 to 20 cubic meter containers are predominantly used regionally and cover the shortest distance, though with frequent container changes. The roll-off tippers transport roll-off presses and containers up to 40 cubic meters for demolition, debris, or scrap. These "bread and butter vehicles" handle almost every job and operate regionally, interregionally, and for long-distance transport. The entire fleet covers an area from the Dutch border to Kassel and Hanover, and also drives to Hamburg. Depending on the type of operation, they cover between 25,000 and 120,000 kilometers per year.
The core business of Knepper is based on five pillars: demolition & dismantling, recycling, scrap & non-ferrous metals, earthworks, and logistics. Logistics manager Peter Adams and his team have already mastered complex projects, such as the deconstruction of the Ford plant in Wülfrath or the demolition of a cement plant in Erwitte. Another challenging project, according to Meiller, is the demolition of the main stand at the SV Darmstadt 98 stadium.
In terms of maintenance, Knepper adopts a three-pronged approach: Common repairs are carried out in the company's own workshop, specialized tasks are handled by Meiller service partners. In addition, a preventive service is carried out directly from the factory twice a year. Serviceman Ralf Koböken from the Meiller service team checks the Knepper vehicles on-site, replaces wear parts, and performs the legally required UVV inspections. He also provides recommendations for vehicle replacements and trains the local workshop team.
The operating time of Knepper vehicles varies depending on the area of application. Knepper aims for a service life of at least ten years for the Meiller bodies, some of which are already 15 to 20 years old and serve as replacement vehicles. On average, three new Meiller bodies are acquired annually. As the fleet grows, so does the need for well-trained drivers. Hence, Knepper trains its own professional drivers to keep the extensive vehicle fleet running in the long term and to continue growing.
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