The trade fair motto of SAF-Holland during the IAA Transportation in Hanover (September 17-22, 2024) is based on the three pillars "More safety,” "More sustainability,” and "More partnership." We would like to examine the first two in more detail here.
More safety
Safety in the commercial vehicle and transport sector is crucial for the reliability and efficiency of modern logistics processes. New technologies, current regulations, and safety requirements present challenges for vehicle manufacturers. Topics such as cybersecurity for electronic and mechatronic components, such as the trailer EBS Haldex EB+ 4.0, are gaining increasing importance.
Haldex will also expand into the truck market with the innovative ModulT disc brake system for trucks. This is an important advancement for the ModulT technology, as the single-piston design offers significant weight savings and cost advantages. The ModulT truck brake will be installed as standard in a large truck manufacturer starting from the third quarter of this year.
Modern tire pressure monitoring systems ensure the correct tire pressure and minimize the risk of tire damage or failure. With the SAF Tire Pilot I.Q. or the Haldex TPMS 2.0, tire pressure is monitored according to the requirements of UN ECE-R-141, with the Tire Pilot I.Q. going a step further by not only warning but also automatically refilling in case of pressure loss.
The safe connection between truck and trailer is ensured by Holland fifth wheels with integrated lock security and optical safety indicator. With the advanced version of Automated Couplings, SAF-Holland showcases forward-looking technology, where truck and trailer are automatically coupled without the driver having to leave the cabin. The robust and user-friendly drawbar couplings from V.Orlandi can be expanded with sensor and remote control options.
The visual safety indicator on the Holland fifth wheel couplings ensures a secure connection between truck and trailer – in this picture, the coupling is closed. (Photo: SAF-Holland)
The visual safety indicator on the Holland fifth wheel couplings ensures a secure connection between truck and trailer – in this image, the coupling is open. (Photo: SAF-Holland)
More sustainability
Sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important. EU regulations aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, such as the Vecto certification, present new challenges for the transport and commercial vehicle industry. SAF-Holland offers energy-efficient and eco-friendly products and solutions: The E-trailer axle SAF Trakr uses recuperation to reduce CO2 by converting the trailer's kinetic energy into electrical energy.
In the field of steering systems, VSE's electrohydraulic steering systems contribute to fuel savings through their lightweight design and optimal steering angle. The light and robust rod (SEM) and cable steering systems (Green Steering) improve maneuverability. Reduced friction during cornering causes less tire wear and lowers fuel consumption.
The special lubricant Holland Recolube Biopower SKX 023 lubricates fifth wheels with biodegradable grease and consists of over 80% renewable raw materials. Thus, it is harmless to human health and the environment.
Translated from German for your convenience automatically with the help of AI. An error-free translation cannot be guaranteed. More international IAA-News here.
- Auszeichnungen
- Bau-Lkw
- Menschen (Personalien)
- Werkstatt-Technik und -Software
- Messe
- Verkehrspolitik und Digitale Infrastruktur
- Heiz- und Klimatechnik
- Hybrid
- Anhänger und Aufbauten
- Reifen und Felgen (ohne Trailer und Gabelstapler)
- Elektromobilität
- Diesel
- Omnibusse
- Sonstige Veranstaltungen
- Aufbauten
- Fahrzeug-Entwicklung, -Forschung und -Innovationen
- Digitalisierung und Vernetzung (ohne Fahrzeuge)
- Kooperationen
- Zubehör und Styling
- Transport Forum
- Brennstoffzellen
- Lkw-Ladekrane
- Wasserstoff
- Lkw-Fahrer
- Truck Racing
- Flottenmanagement-Software (auch Routenplanung)
- Forum
- bauma
- Karosserie und Fahrwerk
- transport logistic
- Assistenzsysteme
- Linienverkehr: Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV)
- Biokraftstoffe
- Fahrzeugbeschaffung (Leasing, Miete, Kauf)