Continental: Proportion of Recycled Material in Tires to be Increased

Through an agreement with Pyrum Innovations, Continental aims to further optimize and expand the recycling of used tires through pyrolysis – recycled industrial carbon black is to be used.

Infographic on the circular economy concept for tire recycling, including the recovery of reclaimed industrial carbon black (rCB). (Graphic: Continental).
Infographic on the circular economy concept for tire recycling, including the recovery of reclaimed industrial carbon black (rCB). (Graphic: Continental).
Anna Barbara Brüggmann

Continental has signed a ten-year contract with Pyrum Innovations, a company specializing in the thermolysis technology of used tires, to recover carbon black from used tires. In the future, recovered industrial carbon black is to be used in the mass production of passenger car tires, according to Continental.

As early as 2022, the tire manufacturer had signed a development agreement with Pyrum Innovations with the aim of further optimizing and expanding the recycling of used tires through pyrolysis. The purchase contract is now intended to further expand the collaboration between the two companies. 

Less CO2 Emissions

Industrial carbon black is used as a raw material both for tire production and for the manufacturing of other industrial rubber products. According to Continental, the targeted use of carbon black in rubber mixtures is intended to increase the stability, strength, and durability of tires - and recovered carbon black from used tires is to contribute to reducing the use of fossil raw materials and CO2 emissions.

Depending on the model, the carbon black content in a car tire of the manufacturer, which gives the tire its black color, is 15 to 20 percent.

Increase Circularity

By using recycled industrial soot, the company aims, according to its own statements, to move one step closer to its goal of using more than 40 percent renewable and recycled materials in their tires by 2030.

"Recycled raw materials are becoming increasingly important in our tire production. For us, the end of a tire's lifespan is only the end of its current usage phase. Our goal is to sensibly reuse products, components, and materials even after the first usage phase," says Jorge Almeida, Head of Sustainability for Continental's tire division, and adds, "We can only increase the circularity of our products if we rethink."

According to Almeida, the end of a tire's usage phase must become the beginning of a new opportunity. Together with Pyrum, highly efficient processes are being developed to return as many components and materials from a used tire back into the production cycle as possible.

Tire Recycling

Currently, Continental uses recycled materials for tires such as recycled rubber from mechanically processed used tires, recycled steel, and recycled polyester from PET bottles, which would otherwise often end up in incinerators or landfills.

For tire recycling, materials need to be efficiently separated, cleaned, and recycled, while the safety and quality of the recycled tires or recycled materials must be ensured.

"So that Continental can use our recovered industrial carbon black in the future also in the mass production of passenger car tires, we continuously work on its development within the framework of a development partnership. Together, we have already succeeded in ensuring all newly produced forklift truck tires at the Continental tire plant in Korbach, Hesse, contain our sustainable carbon black," explains Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations.

As part of its sustainability strategy, Continental aims to increase the use of sustainable materials in tire products to 100 percent by 2050 at the latest.

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