ATL Renting was founded in 1997 and is a Belgian family-owned company with subsidiaries in Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, and Romania. With a fleet of more than 7,500 vehicles and trailers, it claims to be one of the largest rental companies for commercial vehicles in Europe. The headquarters is located in Tessenderlo, Belgium.
Convinced Early Adopter
Due to good experiences with DAF trucks, ATL Renting was one of the first companies to opt for the new generation of DAF trucks. According to ATL, these new vehicles stand out for their excellent reliability combined with unmatched fuel efficiency, outstanding passive and active safety, and the highest driving comfort.
“Like us, our customers greatly appreciate DAF trucks,” says Koen De Coninck, Commercial Director at ATL Renting. “Our new 2,000th truck is actually the 730th new generation DAF truck that is now being put into operation at ATL Renting.”
ATL Renting praises the close partnership with DAF Trucks.
De Coninck: “The always reliable service and top-notch quality of DAF are the key reasons why we chose DAF trucks. And thanks to DAF's dense European service network, our customers can always count on the best support on site, wherever they are in Europe. This is another reason why we continue to add more DAF trucks to our fleet.”
Translated from German for your convenience automatically with the help of AI. An error-free translation cannot be guaranteed. More international IAA-News here.
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