The electric truck covers short distances and commutes back and forth between the brewery and the warehouse several times a day. The solution for internal logistics minimizes traffic noise while also protecting the climate. The power for the vehicle's operation is supplied by the company's own PV systems.
"We ensure cool beer enjoyment throughout Vorarlberg. To do so, we move everything needed for a successful event across the country. With our first electric truck, we are now taking the next step towards sustainability and optimizing our internal logistics," says Mohrenbräu CEO Thomas Pachole. The oldest brewery in Vorarlberg produces around 190,000 hectoliters of beer annually at its headquarters in the center of Dornbirn. With an external warehouse in the Wallenmahd industrial area, the family-owned company secures capacities for its ongoing growth course. The three-kilometer route is driven several times a day – now electrically.
"E-mobility is the perfect solution for short distances in city traffic. With the electric truck, we are protecting the environment and minimizing noise," emphasizes Pachole. The Mercedes-Benz eActros 300 electric truck has a peak output of 400 kilowatts and a range of up to 300 kilometers. State-of-the-art assistance systems and MirrorCam for full all-around visibility enhance safety. The 19-ton truck delivers 18 pallets per trip. Charging is done at the e-charging station with electricity from the company's own PV system. "We are driving almost autonomously," says Pachole.
Commitment to the Regional Habitat
For years, Mohrenbrauerei has been a pioneer in sustainability. As early as 2019, the family company, together with packaging manufacturer Vetropack, introduced the world's first lightweight glass bottle for all 0.33-liter containers. The innovative solution weighs around a third less than standard bottles and remains in circulation longer thanks to thermal hardening. This saves Mohrenbrauerei over 1,000 tons of transport weight annually.
“The lightweight glass bottle makes the difference. Even corporate breweries have now recognized this and followed our example,” Pachole reports proudly.
Everything Optimized
Modern filling and washing systems, optimized processes, and heat recovery ensure maximum energy efficiency during brewing. The traditional company covers around 20 percent of its annual electricity consumption with its own PV systems. The rest is green electricity from Vorarlberg.
Translated from German for your convenience automatically with the help of AI. An error-free translation cannot be guaranteed. More international IAA-News here.“Sustainability is a tradition for us. We brew beer for the region and want to enable future generations to enjoy Vorarlberg beer just as much - with 100 percent quality, 100 percent taste, and 100 percent family,” emphasizes Thomas Pachole.
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